Mark Poulose
Jul 22, 2024
Members of the Republican Party are processing the news of Joe Biden stepping out of the Presidential race.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) - “Joe Biden has really worked past his ‘best by/use’ date,” said Rep. Mark Alford (R, MO-District 4). “Just like milk, we don’t like to throw it out, it might still be good, but look, he’s worked I think past his prime. I think it’s time for him to resign the Presidency of the United States.”
Local Republicans, at the national and county level, say they already knew Biden wasn’t fit to be President beyond 2024. Now, they say he needs to leave office because he’s not fit to lead the country currently.
“I feel very bad for the family,” said Jackson County legislator Sean Smith, who is running against Emmanuel Cleaver for the House of Representatives spot in Missouri’s fifth district. “I think he’s done the right thing for the country. I’m really worried about his performance over the next few months, and I’m surprised they aren’t doing anything about that.”
“He has served his nation; I’ll give him that,” Alford said. “He did the right thing today by resigning the campaign, but I think it’s time to resign the White House, as well.”
With Biden off the ‘24 ticket, Republicans are already looking forward to a fight with Vice President Kamala Harris.
“I think she is inept and annoying. I think she has been a failure of a Vice President,” said Alford. “Her first
responsibility given by Joe Biden was to do something about the border, the ‘Border Czarina.’ She failed. She did not solve the crisis at the border.”
Now, all eyes turn to the Democratic National Convention – which is set to begin on August 19.
“The convention is only four weeks away. No matter what they do at this point, it’s a problem,” Smith said. “They are four weeks from the convention and four weeks away from where early voting starts in some parts of the country. The reality is, they don’t have a lot of time to do whatever it is they are going to do.”